Our Expertise
Trademark Clearance
Trademark Filing, Prosecution and Maintenance
Trademark Enforcement and Disputes
Certification Marks, Collective Marks, Geographic Indications
Brand Management and Counselling
Customs Recordation and Training
Copyright Clearance and Registration
Copyright Enforcement and Disputes
Advertising, Marketing, Labeling and Packaging
Licensing, Commercial, and M&A and Divestiture Transactions
Related Rights
E-commerce and Internet
Domain Name Registration and Management
Intercompany Licensing or Transfers of IP Assets
Investigations, Watches and Monitoring
We formed Bridge IP to focus on our core values in the practice of trademark and copyright law – putting clients first, direct client communication, and providing world-class legal services and solutions for fair prices. We have worked both as in-house attorneys for global trademark and copyright owners, and as outside counsel in IP boutiques and large general services law firms. We understand the many pressures that clients face, and how frustrating it can be dealing with some law firms. Bridge IP is structured to be more client-friendly, and to avoid causing such frustrations. We value responsiveness, flexibility, high quality services, and quality of life (yours and ours) over typical big law firm goals like maximizing profit or growth.